
Discussion Questions

  1. Is there a place that is special to you and your family that you visit often? Why is this place special to you?
  2. Judy Watson’s paintings are conceptually layered responses combining a sense of place and history. How has the artist connected her cultural identity to place and her family history?
  3. Blue is a recurring colour featured in this group of artworks. Describe the range of blues utilised by Watson, including what the blue areas are intended to represent and symbolise.
  4. Discuss the relationship between depth and illusion in Judy Watson’s paintings.

Classroom Activities

  1. Analyse how the artist has drawn inspiration from loss and trauma, survival and resilience to provoke and generate discussions about Australia’s cultural identity.
  2. Develop a series of questions to ask an Elder in your family or a community group about a local area and how it has evolved over time. Frame your questions to capture sensory references to what has changed and what has remained the same. Use the information gathered through the interview to develop a colour-field painting. Research examples of colour-field painting to consider your approach.
  3. Create a portrait using old sheets or fabric remnants as the surface on which to draw or paint with coloured paints and inks. Think creatively about the surface that the artwork can be built upon — are there salvaged fabrics that can be repurposed? Make the subject of your portrait a family member, and work from memory rather than from an image. This approach can challenge you to express a personal connection through memory rather than realistic portraiture. As a class, pin the finished (unstretched) works directly to the wall of the classroom.
Judy Watson / Waanyi people / Australia b.1959 / burnt shield 2002 / Synthetic polymer paint, ash, charcoal on canvas / 190 x 118cm (unstretched) / Purchased 2003. The Queensland Government’s special Centenary Fund / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Judy Watson/Licensed by Viscopy, 2013

Judy Watson / Waanyi people / Australia b.1959 / burnt shield 2002 / Synthetic polymer paint, ash, charcoal on canvas / 190 x 118cm (unstretched) / Purchased 2003. The Queensland Government’s special Centenary Fund / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Judy Watson/Licensed by Viscopy, 2013 / View full image

The archive

Narratives about Australia’s dark and untold histories, and an interrogation of museum holdings in Australia and abroad.

Judy Watson / Waanyi people / Australia b.1959 / driftnet 1998 / pigment, synthetic string, stringy bark, twine on canvas / 180.0 × 136.0 cm / Purchased, 1999 / National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

Judy Watson / Waanyi people / Australia b.1959 / driftnet 1998 / pigment, synthetic string, stringy bark, twine on canvas / 180.0 × 136.0 cm / Purchased, 1999 / National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne / View full image


Exploring feminism through some of Watson’s early works, as well as her approach to collaborative practice.

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Judy Watson / Waanyi people / Australia b.1959 / wanami 2019 / Pigment and synthetic polymer paint on canvas / 245 x 181cm / The James C. Sourris AM Collection

Judy Watson / Waanyi people / Australia b.1959 / wanami 2019 / Pigment and synthetic polymer paint on canvas / 245 x 181cm / The James C. Sourris AM Collection / View full image


Focus on Country and ecosystems, particularly waterways, informed by cultural practices and scientific analyses of climate change.

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