Unfinished Business The Art of Gordon Bennett

Gordon Bennett , Australia 1955-2014 / Notes to Basquiat (Jackson Pollock and His Other) 2001 / Synthetic polymer paint on linen / 2 panels: 152 x 152 cm each, 152 x 304 cm (overall) / Private Collection, Adelaide / © Estate of Gordon Bennett / View full image
7 Nov 2020 – 21 Mar 2021
Gallery of Modern Art, Galleries 3.3 & 3.4 (Marica Sourris and James C. Sourris AM Galleries)
‘Unfinished Business: The Art of Gordon Bennett’ is the first large-scale exhibition of Bennett’s work and features 200 artworks ranging from installation and sculptural assemblage to painting, drawing, video and ceramics.
In his lifetime, Bennett was widely regarded as one of Queensland’s, and indeed one of Australia’s, most perceptive and inventive contemporary artists. Queensland-born, Bennett (1955–2014) was deeply engaged with questions of identity, perception and the construction of history, and made a profound and ongoing contribution to contemporary art in Australia and internationally.
Bennett voraciously consumed art history, current affairs, rap music and fiction, and processed it all into an unflinching critique of how identities are constituted and how history shapes individual and shared cultural conditions.
Working closely with the artist’s estate, the exhibition gives a new sense of Bennett’s aims, ideals and objectives, offering insights through a focus on the serial nature of his practice.