Henry Rollins

8.00 – 9.30 pm, Fri 16 Sep 2016Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
For many years, I have documented my travels all over the world with a camera. From Baghdad to Timbuktu I have hauled camera gear around with me. Not always easy but always worth it. Many of the photos have a story, as you can imagine. Now and then, I gather several images, show them to an audience and tell those stories. It always ends up being a great evening. – Henry Rollins Throughout his career, Henry Rollins has toured the world as a spoken word artist, as front man for both Rollins Band and Black Flag, favouring road-less-travelled locales in places such as Nepal, Sri Lanka, Siberia, North Korea, South Sudan and Iran. In an Australian first, Henry Rollins will present a special performance drawing upon these experiences and his vast archive of photographs.