Where the Green Ants Dream 1984 PG

3.00 pm, Sat 29 Jul 2017 (100 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
For me the story is about protecting the spirit, traditions and mythology of [Indigenous Australians] - Werner Herzog
Werner Herzog's sole film set entirely in Australia is a drama centred on a dispute between a mining company and local Indigenous Australians, whose sacred land will be irreparably disturbed by the miners' uranium excavations.
Herzog was inspired by the first Australian native title court case in 1971, which ruled against the Aboriginal applicants. With this film, he invents events and history with his customary loose relationship with facts – even the titular mythos of the green ants is a Herzogian invention. Nevertheless, this is a striking film that is heartfelt and passionate, while the director's conflicted relationship with the natural world shines through in his depiction of life in the outback.
PG | Occasional coarse language
Production Credits
- Director: Werner Herzog
- Script: Werner Herzog, Bob Ellis
- Cinematographer: Jörg Schmidt-Reitwein
- Editor: Beate Mainka-Jellinghaus
- Print Source: Werner Herzog Film GmbH
- Rights: Werner Herzog Film GmbH
- Year: 1984
- Runtime: 100 minutes
- Countries: Australia, West Germany
- Language: English
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 35mm
- Screening Format: DCP