Un condamné à mort s'est échappé (A Man Escaped) 1956 PG

Production still from A Man Escaped 1956 / Director: Robert Bresson / Image courtesy: Gaumont / View full image
2.45 pm, Sat 10 Aug 2024 (99 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
- Wheelchair Accessible
“I was able to call on my experience as a prisoner of war. And my impressions, my sensations, how I felt interacting with my German guards and jailers – I tried to put it all in the film.” – Robert Bresson
A Man Escaped is the hypnotically rigorous depiction of a prisoner’s planned escape from Montluc prison. Steeped in shadows and composed with scintillating precision, Bresson finds profound spiritual meaning in the arduous physicality of the preparations. Based on the memoir of French soldier André Devigny and inspired by Bresson’s own time as a prisoner of war, it is one of the director’s finest achievements and a masterpiece of methodical filmmaking.
PG | Mild violence
Production Credits
- Director: Robert Bresson
- Script: Robert Bresson
- Based on: the memoir by André Devigny
- Cinematographer: Léonce-Henri Burel
- Editor: Raymond Lamy
- Cast: François Leterrier, Charles Le Clainche, Maurice Beerblock
- Print Source: Curzon
- Rights: Gaumont
- Year: 1956
- Runtime: 99 minutes
- Country: France
- Languages: French, German
- Subtitles: English
- Colour: Black & White
- Shooting Format: 35mm
- Screening Format: 35mm