Toby Dammit + The Temptations of Dr. Antonio 1962 – 1968 M

12.30 pm, Sun 4 Sep 2022 (99 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
- Subtitled
A screening of two short films by Federico Fellini's - Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio (The Temptations of Doctor Antonio) 1962 (55 min) which was part of the omnibus feature Boccaccio ’70 and Toby Dammit 1968 (44 min) which was part of the omnibus feature Tre passi nel delirio (Spirits of the Dead).
Toby Dammit 1968
British actor Terrence Stamp stars as the titular Toby Dammit, a famous actor grudgingly imported to Rome to work on a Western. Dammit is alcohol soaked and spiralling out of control, his reality starting to blur. Dogged by a sinister presence in his dreams, even sleep is not a refuge for the in-demand actor. After delivering a speech at an award ceremony, he slips away to drive a Ferrari through the streets of Rome where his phantoms give chase. Toby Dammit is part of the omnibus film Tre passi nel delirio (Spirits of the Dead) based on the short stories of Edgar Allan Poe. Fellini’s segment sits alongside two other films by French directors Louis Malle and Roger Vadim.
M | Medium level violence, Horror theme
44 minutes | M
The Temptations of Dr. Antonio 1962
Fellini’s first foray into colour filmmaking, The Temptations of Dr. Antonio is the director’s segment for the omnibus film Boccaccio ’70. Inspired by the works of eponymous 14th century poet Giovanni Boccaccio, each of the four episodes explore issues of love and lust in contemporary Italy. In this segment, a prudish man is taunted and tempted by a billboard model come to life - the glamourous figure of Anita Ekberg in full bombshell, vamp mode.
PG | Mild sexual references
55 minutes | PG
Production Credits
Toby Dammit
- Director: Federico Fellini
- Script: Federico Fellini, Bernardino Zapponi
- Based on: the short story by Edgar Allan Poe
- Cinematographer: Giuseppe Rotunno
- Cast: Terence Stamp, Salvo Randone, Marina Yaru
- Editor: Ruggero Mastroianni
- Print Source: Cinecittà
- Rights: Janus Films
- Year: 1968
- Runtime: 44 minutes
- Country: Italy
- Language: Italian
- Subtitles: English
- Sound: Mono
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 35mm
- Screening Format: DCP
The Temptations of Dr. Antonio
- Director: Federico Fellini
- Script: Federico Fellini, Ennio Flaiano, Tullio Pinelli
- Cinematographer: Otello Martelli
- Cast: Antonio Acqua, Anita Ekberg, Peppino De Filippo, Silvio Bagolini
- Editor: Leo Catozzo
- Print Source: Luce Cinecittà
- Rights: Surf Film
- Year: 1962
- Runtime: 55 minutes
- Country: Italy
- Language: Italian
- Subtitles: English
- Shooting Format: 35mm
- Screening Format: DCP