Sawan baan na (Agrarian Utopia) 2009 Ages 15+

8.15 pm, Fri 10 Feb 2017 (122 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
In the vivid green of a rice paddock, two Thai families stand knee deep in water, methodically tending to their land. Agrarian Utopia presents the conflicting realities of a farming life: in one scene kids joyously chase each other through a muddy field and in another, parents lament the bank loan their harvest will never pay back. Thai filmmaker Uruphong Raksasad's film is both a warm look at the farming community and a bittersweet comment on the changing nature of the agrarian lifestyle.
Ages 15+
Production Credits
- Director/Script/Cinematographer/Editor: Uruphong Raksasad
- Producer: Pimpaka Towira
- Cast: Nikorn Mungmeung
- Production Company: Extra Virgin
- Print Source: Extra Virgin
- Rights: Extra Virgin
- Year: 2009
- Runtime: 122 minutes
- Country: Thailand
- Language: Thai
- Sound: Dolby
- Colour: Colour
- Screening Format: 35mm