Much Ado About Nothing 2012 M

1.00 pm, Sun 22 May 2016 (109 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
Filmed around his own home over two weeks during a break in his production schedule for The Avengers, Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing is an appropriately frothy and winning take on one of the Bard's most cherished comedies. Warring brothers, star-crossed lovers, and forbidden passion abound in this timeless romantic farce. The film's success largely derives from Whedon's innate ear for witty dialogue and his playful relationship with his cast, many of whom come from his regular acting ensemble. Much Ado About Nothing is a contemporary, sharp version of a much-loved comedy of errors.
M | Sex scenes
Much Ado About Nothing also screens on Sunday 22 May at 1:00pm.
Production Credits
- Director/Script: Joss Whedon
- Based on: the play by William Shakespeare
- Cinematographer: Jay Hunter
- Editors: Daniel Kaminsky, Joss Whedon
- Production Company: Bellwether Pictures
- Print Source: Sharmill Films
- Rights: Sharmill Films
- Screening Format: Digital Cinema Package (DCP), HD Video
- Year: 2012
- Runtime: 109 minutes
- Country: USA
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Black & White