Mind vs Machine: What Makes Us Human? - Discussion

2.00 pm, Sun 13 Mar 2016 (55 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
We already accept pilotless drones outfitted with cameras and listening devices which can release air-to-ground missiles. We allow robots to perform prostatectomies and cardiac valve repair on us. We don't much care that jobs are lost to speedy bots capable of lifting 70 kilograms all day long, retrieving boxes and loading them in trucks as long as our online shopping arrives in 24 hrs. Autopilot can fly a 787 jet unaided and our cars will soon drive themselves. So why wouldn't we trust a robot to give us financial advice and invest our life savings? Is the obvious next stage a sexbot as our "friend with benefits"? How would you feel about a robot delivering your baby? Can a machine craft a fine wine or meal or choose a gift for you? Can you program jokes that make us laugh? Can a robot perform a religious ceremony?
Join us to discuss just how far we, as humans, are prepared to surrender our form and function to machines.
Production Credits
- Runtime: 55 minutes