Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World 2016 M

1.00 pm, Sat 5 Aug 2017 (98 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
When we speak of the horrors of the internet, it's not the internet we are talking about – it's humans. And human nature manifests itself in a way we have never seen before, because it's anonymous and it's on a massive scale. But it is not like nature, that is not it at all. It is human beings using the tool of the internet. - Werner Herzog
When exploring a subject as broad and impenetrable as the world of the internet, it helps to have a guide as singular and authoritative as Werner Herzog. Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World is a terrifically entertaining examination of the joys and ordeals that the internet has wrought upon the world. As is often the case with Herzog's documentaries, it is the tributaries along the way that provide the most fascination: he investigates advances in Artificial Intelligence, robotics, the possibility of interplanetary travel, and a commune of people who have retreated to one of the few places in America not reached by radio signals. Lo and Behold is enthralling and often comic journey into the ever-expanding digital universe.
M | Coarse language
Production Credits
- Director: Werner Herzog
- Script: Werner Herzog
- Cinematographer: Peter Zeitlinger
- Editor: Marco Capalbo
- Print Source: Madman Entertainment
- Rights: Madman Entertainment
- Year: 2016
- Runtime: 98 minutes
- Country: United States
- Language: English
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: Digital
- Screening Format: DCP