Letter to a Refusing Pilot 2013

Production still from Letter to a Refusing Pilot 2013 / Director: Akram Zaatari / View full image
7.30 pm, Wed 7 Mar 2018 (34 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
Please note Letter to a Refusing Pilot 2013 will screen with Omer Fast's 5000 Feet is the Best 2011 (30 mins) and Harun Farocki's Images of the World and the Inscription of War 1988 (73 mins) and not Harun Farocki War at a Distance 2003 as advertised in the cinema brochure.
'Taking a cue from Albert Camus' epistolary essay Letters to a German Friend, in Letter to a Refusing Pilot Lebanese artist-filmmaker Zaatari conducts both an investigation and a stirring tribute to an act of resistance (or forbearance) that marked his childhood memories: the refusal of an Israeli pilot to bomb a boys' high school on June 6, 1982 in South Lebanon. Oscillating between documentary, essay and fiction, this elegant and multi-layered video combines personal and archival documents as it seeks to recuperate historical truth from the annals of personal reminiscence, laced with both enchantment and fear. Letter to a Refusing Pilot was first presented at the Venice Biennale in 2013.' SALT Beyoğlu
Production Credits
- Director: Akram Zaatari
- Script: Akram Zaatari
- Cinematographer: Bassem Fayad
- Editor: Jowe Harfouche
- Music: Nadim Mishlawi
- Print Source: Video Data Bank
- Rights: Video Data Bank
- Year: 2013
- Runtime: 34 minutes
- Country: Lebanon
- Languages: Arabic, Hebrew
- Subtitles: English
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: Digital
- Screening Format: DCP