嘉年华 (Angels Wear White) 2017 Ages 18+

1.00 pm, Sun 9 Dec 2018 (107 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
'In a small coastal town in China, a teenage receptionist turns her gaze towards the CCTV to observe a middle-aged man and two schoolgirls checking into a motel. With this fateful bout of voyeuristic curiosity, Mia becomes the sole witness to a sexual assault.
Director Vivian Qu’s reflection on the precarious existence of a young female in rural China is remarkable in its objective realism. She avoids all too common appraisals of victimisation, offering a complex image of personal desires and encounters that result in their becoming – in this case, a coming of age for youths through disillusionment, opening their eyes to a reality in turmoil.
Angels Wear White is an impressive follow up to Vivian Qu’s debut feature Trap Street. It continues to probe into inhumane bureaucratic mechanisms and the violent excesses of power that enable a suspension of the law itself. While Trap Street follows the ordeals of a victim to the government’s extra-juridical operations in a city rife with surveillance, Angels Wear White in turn takes a gendered approach to reveal a society of governmental institutions, private businesses and social structures organised by patriarchal lines in its basest of levels – one guided by male persuasion and the fear of visibility.' Singapore International Film Festival
Ages 18+
Production Credits
- Director: Vivian Qu
- Script: Vivian Qu
- Cinematographer: Benoît Dervaux
- Editor: Hongyu Yang
- Print Source: Wild Bunch
- Rights: Wild Bunch
- Year: 2017
- Runtime: 107 minutes
- Country: China
- Language: Mandarin
- Subtitles: English
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: Digital
- Screening Format: DCP