High Sierra 1941 PG

6.00 pm, Wed 7 Nov 2018 (100 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
‘Widely acknowledged as one of the gangster pictures that paved the way for the style and moral complexities of film noir, High Sierra is the story of gangster "Mad Dog," Roy Earle, being early paroled, by a Governor’s pardon, to lead a crucial heist. Saddled with inexperienced accomplices (played by character actors Alan Curtis and Arthur Kennedy), and a dime-a-dance girl who falls for him (Ida Lupino), Earle awaits instructions at a mountain cabin, planning to go straight after this last robbery.’ – The Museum of Western Film History
Production Credits
- Director: Raoul Walsh
- Script: John Huston, WR Burnett
- Cinematographer: Tony Gaudio
- Cast: Ida Lupino, Humphrey Bogart, Alan Curtis, Joan Leslie
- Production Company: Warner Bros.
- Print Source: Library of Congress
- Rights: Roadshow Films
- Screening Format: 35mm
- Year: 1941
- Runtime: 100 minutes
- Country: United States
- Language: English
- Sound: Mono
- Colour: Black & White