Ginger e Fred (Ginger and Fred) 1986 PG

8.30 pm, Wed 21 Sep 2022 (125 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
‘Though they each had their own long history of acting in Fellini films, Marcello Mastroianni and Giulietta Masina had improbably never shared the screen together until Ginger and Fred, a film that functions at least partly as a tribute to their lovable personas. Despite their lack of previous collaboration, however, Mastroianni and Masina radiate a palpable chemistry as Pippo and Amelia, a pair of aging tap dancers who long ago retired their Ginger Rogers/Fred Astaire masquerade act but who are now being recruited for a garish television variety show—a scenario that plainly reflects the actors’ own homecoming with Fellini. Arriving by train in a modernized Rome overrun with television screens, Amelia is escorted to a gaudy resort where, amidst numerous other caricatures of American pop culture figures, she’ll eventually reunite with Pippo and begin the exasperating process of reviving a dead routine with a man whose temperament and ideology have shifted far from what she remembers. Linking artifice with corruption in a way that essentially implicates his own filmmaking practice, Fellini casts a jaundiced eye on globalization and commercialism in this shaggy late-period melodrama, a film that finds a delicate frisson between bittersweet nostalgia and social critique.’ Harvard Film Archive
PG | The content is mild in impact
Production Credits
- Director: Federico Fellini
- Script: Federico Fellini, Tonino Guerra
- Cinematography: Tonino Delli Colli, Ennio Guarnieri
- Cast: Marcello Mastroianni, Giulietta Masina, Franco Fabrizi
- Editors: Nino Baragli, Ugo De Rossi, Ruggero Mastroianni
- Print Source: Cinecittà
- Rights: Rai Cinema
- Screening Format: DCP, 35mm
- Year: 1986
- Runtime: 125 minutes
- Country: Italy
- Language: Italian
- Subtitles: English
- Sound: Mono
- Colour: Colour