Frankenstein 1931 M

6.00 pm, Fri 6 Apr 2018 (71 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
Boris Karloff is Frankenstein's monster in this 1931 Universal Studios production. With his bolted lobes and undersized suit, the image of Karloff's character is today emblematic of the Frankenstein story. Scientist Dr Frankenstein (Colin Clive) experiments with creating life from an assemblage of body parts. The doctor's artificial progeny is successfully animated by a lightning charge in a spectacular laboratory sequence, but he turns out to be a violent and mute disappointment. The script regresses from the lofty examination of embodies consciousness that was Mary Shelley's novel. In the film, the monster's behaviour, which leads him to being rejected and ridiculed by others, is simply a result of a 'criminal brain', offering a purely biological reason for his sub-humanness and justified extermination.
Production Credits
- Director: James Whale
- Script: Garret Fort, Francis Edward Faragoh
- Based on: 1818 novel by Mary Shelley
- Cinematographer: Arthur Edeson
- Editor: Clarence Kolster
- Art Director: Charles D. Hall
- Music: Bernhard Kaun
- Print Source: Universal Pictures Australia
- Rights: Universal Pictures Australia
- Year: 1931
- Runtime: 71 minutes
- Country: United States
- Language: English
- Sound: Mono
- Colour: Black & White
- Screening Format: 35mm Transferred to DCP, Restoration