Enemies of the State 2020 Ages 18+

6.00 pm, Fri 3 Sep 2021 (104 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
Enemies of the State investigates the unusual case of Matt DeHart a former American military Air National Guard, presumed hacker, member of Anonymous and alleged Wikileaks courier. DeHart’s computers were seized by the FBI on charges of sharing child pornography, and he spent 21 months in prison where he claimed he was tortured. He aligns himself with fellow activists who ran foul of the US government such as Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning.
Unfolding like a spy thriller, Enemies of the State outlines the events that led Matt DeHart and his parents to seek asylum from the US government in Canada. But the story doesn’t end there. Director Sonia Kennebeck finely crafts her film using rigorous journalistic research, interviews, archival footage and re-enactment of audio testimony to clearly outline a fascinatingly complex true story of secrets and lies. The deeper you get, a creeping realisation seeps into the documentary narrative that not all is as it appears to be.
Ages 18+ | Adult themes
Ages 18+
Production Credits
- Director /Script: Sonia Kennebeck
- Producer: Ines Hofmann Kanna
- Cinematographer: Torsten Lapp
- Cast: James Donahower, Matt Dehart, Paul Dehart, Leann Dehart, Joel Widman, Suzanne Pratley, Chris Clark
- Editor: Maxine Goedicke
- Print Source: Codebreaker Films
- Rights: Codebreaker Films
- Year: 2020
- Runtime: 104 minutes
- Country: United States
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour