Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival 2016 Ages 15+

6.00 pm, Wed 11 Apr 2018 (81 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
'Feminist thinker and historian of science Donna Haraway is best known as the author of two revolutionary works: the essay "The Cyborg Manifesto" and the book Primate Visions. Both set out to upend the boundaries among humans, animals, and machines while challenging gender essentialism; and questioning the underlying assumptions of humanity's fascination with primates through a post-colonial lens. Fabrizio Terranova documentary portrait features Haraway in a playful and engaging exploration of her life, influences, and ideas. Haraway is a passionate and discursive storyteller, and the film is structured around a series of discussions held in the California home she helped build by hand, on subjects including the capitalism and the anthropocene (a term she uses but finds troubling), science fiction writing as philosophical text, kinship relations, the roles of storytelling and Catholicism in her upbringing, humans and dogs, the suppression of women's writing, the surprisingly fascinating history of orthodontic aesthetics, and the need for new post-colonial and post-patriarchal narratives. It is a remarkably impressive range, from a thinker with a nimble and curious mind.' Icarus Films
Ages 15+
Production Credits
- Director: Fabrizio Terranova
- Cinematographer: Tristan Galand
- Editor: Bruno
- Music: Laurent Baudoux & the Fan Club Orchestra Tracq
- Print Source: CBA Diffusion
- Rights: CBA Diffusion
- Year: 2016
- Runtime: 90 minutes
- Countries: Belgium, France, Spain
- Languages: English, French
- Subtitles: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour
- Screening Format: HD Video