Death Becomes Her 1992 M

7.45 pm, Wed 1 Jun 2016 (104 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
Ageing actress Madeline Ashton (Meryl Streep) is persuaded to take an elixir which brings her eternal life. Her rival for her husband Ernest's (Bruce Willis) affections, Helen Sharp (Goldie Hawn), has taken the same potion, and when the two of them try to kill each other, their bodies prove to be irritatingly indestructible.
M | Low level violence, Adult themes
Production Credits
- Director: Robert Zemeckis
- Script: Martin Donovan, David Koepp
- Cinematographer: Dean Cundey
- Editor: Arthur Schmidt
- Production Designer: Rick Carter
- Art Director: William James Teegarden
- Costume Designer: Joanna Johnston
- Music: Alan Silvestri
- Print Source: Universal Pictures Australia
- Rights: Universal Pictures Australia
- Year: 1992
- Runtime: 104 minutes
- Country: United States
- Language: English
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 35mm
- Screening Format: 35mm