Ceiling 1962 + Something Different 1963 1962 – 1963 Ages 15+

3.00 pm, Sun 22 Jul 2018 (127 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
Strop (Ceiling) 1962
Véra Chytilová’s celebrated FAMU graduation film is an Antonioniesque, semi-documentary portrait of the boredom and objectification endured by a fashion model.
42 minutes
O něčem jiném (Something Different) 1963
Concordant with the faraway burgeoning of second-wave feminism, Véra Chytilová’s debut feature intertwines an ostensible documentary on champion gymnast Eva Bosáková with veristic but dramatised scenes from the life of a frustrated housewife. Both are strikingly shot by Jan Čuřík; the jazzy soundtrack is courtesy of the Semafor theatre’s Jiří Šlitr.
85 minutes | Ages 15+
Production Credits
Strop (Ceiling)
- Director: Věra Chytilová
- Script: Věra Chytilová, Pavel Jurácek
- Cinematographer: Jaromir Šofr
- Editor: Antonín Zelenka
- Print Source: National Film Archive, Prague
- Rights: National Film Archive, Prague
- Year: 1962
- Runtime: 42 minutes
- Language: Czech
- Subtitles: English
- Colour: Black & White
- Shooting Format: 35mm
- Screening Format: DCP
O něčem jiném (Something Different)
- Director: Véra Chytilová
- Script: Véra Chytilová
- Cinematographer: Jan Čuřík
- Editor: Miroslav Hájek
- Print Source: National Film Archive, Prague
- Rights: National Film Archive, Prague
- Year: 1963
- Runtime: 85 minutes
- Country: Czechoslovakia
- Language: Czech
- Subtitles: English
- Colour: Black & White
- Shooting Format: 35mm
- Screening Format: DCP