Animation Spotlight: Bunch of Fives and Good Riddance! 1998 – 2003 G

Production still from Bunch of Fives: Banjo Frogs 1998 / Director: Nick Hilligoss / Image courtesy: Australian Broadcasting Corporation / View full image
10.00 am, Mon 3 Jan 2022 (840 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Australian Cinémathèque
Bunch of Fives: Banjo Frogs, Cell Animation, Lower Orders, Possum’s Rest, Turtle World 1998
“Five funny animated films comment ruefully on our relationship with the natural world.” Bullfrog Films
420 minutes | G
Good Riddance: Rats, Air Pollution, Flies, Snails, Termites 2003
“Good Riddance follows the exploits of Eco, the clean, green pest controller with a clever biological solution for every pest problem. But getting rid of pests the clean and green way isn't always easy; sometimes the solutions don't quite work out the way they should. But many times, if the problem is looked at in a new way, it can become part of the solution.
This light-hearted look at thwarted good intentions reminds us that when looking for an ecological solution to a problem, it's good to remember that everything is related.” Bullfrog Films
420 minutes | G
Production Credits
Bunch of Fives: Banjo Frogs, Cell Animation, Lower Orders, Possum’s Rest, Turtle World
- Director: Nick Hilligoss
- Producer: Nick Hilligoss
- Animator: Nick Hilligoss
- Music: Niko Schauble
- Print Source: Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Rights: Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Year: 1998
- Runtime: 420 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 16mm
- Screening Format: DCP
- Animation Technique: Stop Motion (Puppet) Animation
Good Riddance: Rats, Air Pollution, Flies, Snails, Termites
- Director: Nick Hilligoss
- Producer: Nick Hilligoss
- Animator: Nick Hilligoss
- Print Source: Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Rights: Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Year: 2003
- Runtime: 420 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 35mm
- Screening Format: DCP
- Animation Technique: Stop Motion (Puppet) Animation