Animation Shorts: Small Treasures Ages 12+

Production still from Father 2008 / Director: Sebastian Danta / Image courtesy: Sebastian Danta / View full image
10.15 am, Sat 26 Mar 2022 (66 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
A meditation on the complicated amorphous relationship between parent and child and the way personal experiences and histories shape the future for generations to come.
Small Treasures 1995 dir. Sarah Watt (15 mins)
"Animated short about a young woman's pregnancy and issues she must now face." National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra
A Mother’s Story 2014 dir. Tim Adlide (6:40 mins)
"Nick is drowning in the pressures of parenthood. His old friend Bob wants to help him. But what can mates do? Sometimes all that is needed is a little air." National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra
The First Thing I Remember 2005 dir. Tamara Meem (8 mins)
"Animated documentary The First Thing I Remember recreates the fragmented and dreamlike first memories of 12 interviewees." Australian Screen
Father 2008 dir. Sebastian Danta (8:23 mins)
"A boy struggles to understand his strange silent father - an immigrant who has become an emotional refugee in his own home." Screen Australia
A Saucer of Water for the Birds 1993 dir. Ann Shenfield (9 mins)
"An animated short. A woman and her grandmother sit together playing cards. As they are shuffled and dealt, the film cuts between pre-war Poland, Europe during the Holocaust, the woman's childhood, and the present. A meditation on the relationship between public history and personal memory, as it is played out in the dynamics of the family." National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra
The Quairading Animation Project 2013 dir. Steven Aiton (4:16 mins)
"CAN WA partnered with Quairading District High School (QDHS) and artist in residence, Steven Aiton in 2013 to develop a series of short animated films that portray Noongar dreamtime stories and experiences of students throughout the QDHS’s 100-year history. One of the short films tells the story of Noongar Elder John Kickett who campaigned to have his children attend the local school in the early 1900s. The animation reveals how his efforts marked the beginning of the end of segregated education in Western Australia." Community Arts Network, Western Australia
Ages 12+
Production Credits
- Directors: Sarah Wat, Tim Adlid, Tamara Mee, Sebastian Danta, Ann Shenfiel, Steve Aiton
- Runtime: 66 minutes