A Dream of Wholeness in Parts + Pepperminta 2009 – 2021 Ages 18+

Production still from A Dream of Wholeness in Parts 2021 / Director: Sin Wai Kin / Image courtesy: Sin Wai Kin, Chi-Wen Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan / View full image
1.00 pm, Sat 15 Jul 2023 (103 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
- Wheelchair Accessible
A Dream of Wholeness in Parts 2021
2022 Turner Prize-nominee Sin Wai Kin combines visual imagery from traditional Chinese dramaturgy with references to contemporary drag, music and poetry, to create fantastical dreamscapes that deconstruct conventional representations of gender and present alternate states of being.
Referring to philosopher Chuang Tzu’s ‘Dream of the Butterfly’, the vibrant visual poem, A Dream of Wholeness in Parts, takes place in a cinematic world where three characters – each played by the artist – contemplate their being-in-the-world.
23 minutes | Ages 15+ | Contains stylised nudity
Pepperminta 2009
Directed by the renowned Swiss video and installation artist Pipilotti Rist, Pepperminta is a psychedelic voyage into the mind of a young woman who possesses the power to change people's lives through her vivid imagination and infatuating playfulness.
A highly confected visual feast of color and surreal imagery, the film explores themes of individuality, self-discovery, and freedom of expression. Filled with candy-coloured costumes and sets that move between stop motion animation and live-action, the free-spirited Pepperminta – and her unique outlook on life – inspires those around her, whilst also liberating her from more conventional societal expectations. Through her interactions with a diverse cast of characters, including her best friend Edna (Sabine Timoteo) and a young stranger named Theo (Sven Pippig), Pepperminta learns to embrace her imagination and true self, whilst also inspiring others to do the same.
80 minutes | Ages 18+ | Contains nudity, coarse language and non-violent depictions of blood
Production Credits
A Dream of Wholeness in Parts
- Director: Sin Wai Kin
- Producer: Chi-Wen Huang
- Cinematographer: Ariel Huang
- Editor: Sin Wai Kin
- Print Source: Chi-Wen Productions, Taipei, Taiwan
- Rights: Sin Wai Kin, Chi-Wen Productions, Taipei, Taiwan
- Shooting Format: Digital
- Screening Format: 4K DCP
- Year: 2021
- Runtime: 23 minutes
- Country: Taiwan
- Language: English
- Sound: Surround sound
- Colour: Colour
- Director: Pipilotti Rist
- Producers: Christian Davi, Christof Neracher, Antonin Svoboda
- Script: Chris Niemeyer, Pipilotti Rist
- Cinematographer: Pierre Mennel
- Editor: Gion-Reto Killias
- Print Source: Hugofilm Productions
- Rights: Hugofilm Productions
- Shooting Format: Digital
- Screening Format: DCP
- Year: 2009
- Runtime: 80 minutes
- Countries: Switzerland, Austria
- Language: German
- Subtitles: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour