Pier Paolo Pasolini We Are All in Danger

Production still of Pier Paolo Pasolini on the set of The Gospel According to St Matthew 1964 | Image courtesy: Cineteca Nazionale, Rome / View full image
3 Nov – 1 Dec 2010
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
The Australian Cinémathèque presents a major retrospective of Pier Paolo Pasolini, one of the most remarkable figures in European postwar cinema. Director, screenwriter, essayist, poet, critic and novelist, Pasolini built an extraordinary filmography, combining sacred and profane, reality and myth, Marxism and Catholicism, as well as the use of non-professional actors and on-location shooting. Pasolini rejected Italian bourgeois values, which he felt had destroyed the country's peasant culture. His critique of these materialist values, consumer capitalism, and the destructions wrought by bourgeois pragmatism, pointed to what he saw as a pervasive loss of identity. The program brings together Pasolini's celebrated feature films, documentaries, short films, and episodes from omnibus features, with responses to his life and work from other artists and directors. In the last interview that Pasolini gave on 1 November 1975, a few hours before he was killed, he expressed his ongoing sense of urgency and shared peril, stating 'Maybe I am mistaken, but I continue to say that we are all in danger'.
'Pier Paolo Pasolini: We Are All in Danger' is presented in collaboration with the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia - Cineteca Nazionale, the Cineteca di Bologna, Associazione Fondo Pier Paolo Pasolini, Cinecitta' Holding and the Ministero degli Affari Esteri in Rome. The Australian Cinematheque would like to acknowledge the generous assistance of Enrico Magrelli and Laura Argento, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia - Cineteca Nazionale, Rome; Gian Luca Farinelli, Anna Di Martino and Andrea Meneghelli, Cineteca di Bologna, Bologna; Roberto Chiesi, Centro Studi - Archivio Pier Paolo Pasolini, Bologna; Luca Giuliani, Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Torino; Piero Colussi, Andrea Crozzoli, Riccardo Costantini, Cinemazero, Pordenone; Francesco Capecchi, Consolato d'Italia a Brisbane; Maria Adelaide Fiengo, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Roma; Anne Demy-Geroe; and Giulia Saccogna. Program curated by Kathryn Weir, Australian Cinémathèque.
List of Works
- Accattone 1961
- Mamma Roma 1962
- Il Padre Selvaggio (Wild Father) 1962 [test shoot]
- La Ricotta 1962 [episode from Ro.Go.Pa.G. 1963]
- La Rabbia (Rage) 1963
- Sopralluoghi in Palestina per il film "Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo" (Seeking Locations in Palestine for the film "The Gospel According to St Matthew") 1964
- Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo (The Gospel According to St Matthew) 1964
- Comizi d'Amore (Love Meetings) 1965
- Uccellacci e Uccellini (Hawks and Sparrows) 1966
- Totò al Circo (Totò at the Circus) 1966
- La Terra Vista dalla Luna (Earth Seen from the Moon) 1966 [episode from Le Streghe (Witches) 1968]
- Edipo Re (Oedipus Rex) 1967
- Che Cosa Sono le Nuvole? (What Are The Clouds?) 1968 [episode from Capriccio all'Italiana 1968]
- Appunti per un Film sull'India (Notes Towards a Film About India) 1968
- Teorema (Theorem) 1968
- La Sequenza del Fiore di Carta (The Paper Flower Sequence) 1969 [epsiode from Amore e Rabbia (Love and Anger) 1969]
- Porcile (Pigsty) 1969
- Medea 1969
- Appunti per un'Orestiade Africana (Notes for an African Oresteia) 1970
- Le Mura di Sana (The Walls of Sana'a) 1970
- Il Decameron (The Decameron) 1971
- I Racconti di Canterbury (The Canterbury Tales) 1972
- Il Fiore delle Mille e una Notte (Arabian Nights) 1974
- Nur-ed-din 1974
- Tagi e Dunya 1974
- Pier Paolo Pasolini – Cultura e Società 1967 | Director: Carlo Di Carlo
- Wie de Waarheid Zegt Moet Dood (Whoever Says the Truth Shall Die) 1981 | Director: Philo Bregstein
- A Futura Memoria: Pier Paolo Pasolini (In Remembrance: Pier Paolo Pasolini) 1986 | Director: Ivo Barnabo Micheli
- Ostia 1991 | Director: Julian Cole
- Pasolini, un Delitto Italiano (Pasolini, an Italian Crime) 1995 | Director: Marco Tullio Giordana
- Reunion: Salò 1998 | Director: Adam Chodzko
- Trailer for Devo Partire. Domani 2010 | Director: Ming Wong
- You'll Never Walk Alone 2000 | Director: Elisabetta Benassi
- Timecode 2000 | Director: Elisabetta Benassi
- Tutti Morimmo a Stento (We All Died Painfully) 2003 | Director: Elisabetta Benassi
- Pasolini Ostia Remix 2003 | Director: Cerith Wyn Evans
- Pasolini Pa* Palestine 2005 | Director: Ayreen Anastas
- Pasolini Prossimo Nostro (Pasolini Next to Us) 2006 | Director: Giuseppe Bertolucci
- En Attendant Pasolini (Waiting for Pasolini) 2007 | Director: Daoud Aoulad-Syad
- La Rabbia di Pasolini (Pasolini's Rage) 2008 | Directors: Giuseppe Bertolucci, Pier Paolo Pasolini
- Villa Feltrinelli 2008 | Directors: Andree Korpys, Markus Loffler
- Le Ceneri di Pasolini (The Ashes of Pasolini) 2009 | Director: Alfredo Jaar