Natalie Bookchin: Testament

5 Jan – 24 Feb 2018
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema B
'My videos try to make visible repeated and shared tropes and scripts that people perform and reenact as they present versions of themselves and their lives to the world through networked cameras. The videos can feel raw and spontaneous, but each one is also a performance [...] There is an urgency to the activity of filming, a rushed quality, even a kind of desperateness. People often don't even bother to make the bed first. It seems to suggest such longing, for some kind of connection and to be seen and heard.' Natalie Bookchin
In conjunction with 'All the World's Memories', works by American artist Natalie Bookchin screen on loop in Cinema B. Bookchin's videos explore individual and collective expressions broadcast on social media. Testament 2009-2017 is a series of four video chapters made up of individual commentaries, edited into montages, on issues of unemployment (Laid Off), medication use (My Meds), sexual identity (I Am Not) and body image (Count). Each chapter weaves together carefully collated footage from video blogs and testimonials to construct a harmony of recorded voices and faces drawn from the depths of the internet.