Japan Fantastic: Osamu Tezuka

5 – 13 Apr 2007
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
The anime of Osamu Tezuka (1928–89) is wide-ranging in subject matter and styles, yet consistently combines seemingly cute characters with powerful post-nuclear sentiments. Familiar yet strange, kitsch yet elegant, Tezuka's iconic animated work affords the viewer an insight into the perplexing formal mutations and weird narrative contortions that typify postwar Japanese culture.
Tezuka: From Manga to Anime
4.30–5.30pm Thursday 5 April / Cinema A
Curator Philip Brophy delivers a fascinating overview of how Tezuka transformed some of his key manga — Astro Boy, Kimba the White Lion, Princess Knight and Black Jack — into anime series and films. This presentation will show manga sequences and discuss how Tezuka developed his ideas for motion and rhythm specifically from his work in the graphic medium of manga.
List of Works
- Tezuka Kids' Flicks
- Alakazam the Great (Saiyu-Ki) 1961 | Directors: Daisaku Shirakawa, Taiji Yabushita
- Astro Boy (Tetsuwan Atomu) [original] 1963 | Director: Osamu Tezuka
- Astro Boy (Tetsuwan Atomu) [remake] 1980 | Director: Noboru Ishiguro
- Kimba the White Lion 1980 | Director: Eiichi Yamamoto
- The Fantastic Adventures of Unico 1981 | Director: Toshio Hirata
- Jungle Emperor Leo (Junguru Taitei) 1997 | Director: Yoshio Takeuici
- Tezuka Youth Culture
- Jungle Emperor (Jungeru Taitei) 1966 | Director: Eiichi Yamamoto
- The Amazing Three (W3) 1967 | Director: Osamu Tezuka
- Marine Express (Kaitei Choutokkyuu Mariin Ekkusupuressu) 1979 | Director: Satoshi Dezak
- Prime Rose (Taimu Suripu 10,000 Nen Puraimu Rozu) 1983 | Director: Tetsu Dezaki
- Shorts Program 1 1962–87 | Director: Osamu Tezuka
- Shorts Program 2 1973–91 | Director: Osamu Tezuka
- Space Firebird 2772 (Hi no Tori 2772 — Ai no Kozumo) 1980 | Director: Taku Sugiyama
- TV Series Program 1967–90 | Director: Osamu Tezuka, Katsui Chikao, Akabori Kanji, Kinshito Renzo, Nagaki Tsunehito, Ueda Hidehito
- Tezuka by Night
- 1001 Nights (Senya Ichiya Monogatari) 1969 | Director: Eiichi Yamamoto
- Baggy (Bagi) 1984 | Director: Osamu Tezuka
- Black Jack (Burakku Jakku) 1998 | Director: Osamu Dezaki
- Cleopatra (Kureopatora) 1970 | Directors: Osamu Tezuka, Eiichi Yamamoto
- Metropolis (Metoroporisu) 2001 | Director: Rin Taro