Henri Matisse

4 Dec 2011 – 4 Mar 2012
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
Presented in conjunction with the exhibition 'Matisse: Drawing Life' at GoMA
A program of documentaries profiling the life and work of Henri Matisse (1869–1954), including a number of important films, archival fragments and biographical documentaries featuring footage of the artist working in his studio.
QAGOMA acknowledges all the archives, filmmakers and distributors who have generously provided screening materials for this program. Program curated by Rosie Hays, Australian Cinémathèque.
List of Works
- Henri Matisse 1946 | Director: François Campaux
- Matisse ou les talents du Bonheur (Matisse, the Gift of Happiness) 1960 | Director: Max Ophüls
- Henri Matisse dans la Midi (Henri Matisse in the South) 1996 | Director: Charles de Lartigue
- Palettes: Matisse 2000 | Director: Alain Jaubert
- Aragon: le roman de Matisse (Aragon: the Matisse Novel) 2003 | Director: Richard Dindo
- Matisse / Picasso – Twin Giants of Modern Art 2002 | Director: Philippe Kohly
- A Model for Matisse: The Story of the Vence Chapel 2003 | Director: Barbara F Freed