Contemporary Film and Video Harun Farocki: War at a Distance

24 Apr – 15 May 2015
Gallery of Modern Art
Harun Farocki (1944–2014) is one of the most commanding and distinctive voices of our time. He directed more than 120 films, documentaries and video installations that sought to interrogate the politics of imagery — the way images are circulated and mediate our experience of the world, their pervasiveness and limitations. 'War at a Distance' brings together a series of Farocki's early film essays and later video works that explore his most enduring subjects: modern warfare, surveillance, simulation and industry, as well as the visual strategies used to propagandise the world.
Screening materials courtesy of Video Data Bank, Chicago. Program curated by Jose Da Silva, Australian Cinémathèque.
Program 1
Nicht löschbares Feuer (Inextinguishable Fire) 1969
Erkennen und Verfolgen (War at a Distance) 2003
Program 2
Bilder der Welt und Inschrift des Krieges (Images of the World and the Inscription of War) 1988
Program 3
Zwischen Zwei Kriegen (Between Two Wars) 1978
Program 4
Auge / Maschine (Eye/Machine) I, II and III 2001–03 [single-channel versions] | Directors: Harun Farocki, Matthias Rajmann, Ingo Kratisch, Rosa Mercede And Kilian Hirt
Parallel I-IV 2012–14 [single-channel versions]