Andrey Tarkovsky Poet of the Cinema

Production still from Stalker 1979 | Director: Andrei Tarkovsky | Image courtesy: Mosfilm, BFI / View full image
13 – 24 Nov 2013
Gallery of Modern Art
Presented in partnership with the Brisbane International Film Festival
"There are some aspects of human life that can only be faithfully represented through poetry." Andrey Tarkovsky
In collaboration with the 2013 Brisbane International Film Festival, the Australian Cinémathèque presents a complete retrospective of the films of Andrey Tarkovsky (1932–86), one of the most celebrated and visionary figures in the history of cinema. Tarkovsky's seven feature films are extraordinary meditations on human existence, beauty, truth, time and the natural world. Five were made in Soviet Russia and his final two films in Italy and Sweden respectively, after the director went into exile. All express aspects of Tarkovsky's unique aesthetic vision and metaphysical insight.
Presented in collaboration with Gosfilmofond of Russia, Mosfilm Cinema Concern, and the Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK), Moscow; Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia - Cineteca Nazionale, Rome; Svenska Filminstitutet, Stockholm; and the British Film Institute, London. QAGOMA acknowledges the generous assistance of our International Federation of Film Archives partners, particularly Nikolai Borodachev and Oleg Bochkov, Gosfilmofond of Russia; Emiliano Morreale and Laura Argento, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia - Cineteca Nazionale; Jon Wengström and Danial Brännström, Svenska Filminstitutet; Andrew Youdell and Fleur Buckley, British Film Institute; as well as of Tatiana Tursunova, Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK) and of Andrey Tarkovsky Jnr, Andrey Tarkovsky International Institute, Florence. Program curated by Kathryn Weir, Australian Cinémathèque with accompanying film notes.
List of Works
- Убийцы (The Killers) 1956 | Directors: Andrey Tarkovsky, Aleksandr Gordon, Marika Beiku
- Сегодня увольнения не будет (There Will Be No Leave Today) 1959 | Directors: Andrey Tarkovsky, Aleksandr Gordon
- КатоК и СКрипКа (The Steamroller and the Violin) 1960
- иваново детСтво (Ivan's Childhood) 1962
- Андрей рублёв (Andrey Rublev) 1966
- СоляриС (Solaris) 1972
- ЗеркАло (Mirror) 1975
- СтАлкер (Stalker) 1979
- Tempo di Viaggio (Voyage in Time) 1983 | Directors: Tonino Guerra, Andrey Tarkovsky
- Nostalghia 1983
- Offret (The Sacrifice) 1986
- МоСковСкАя элегия (Moscow Elegy) 1987 | Director: Aleksandr Sokurov
- Regi Andrej Tarkovskij (Directed by Andrey Tarkovsky) 1988 | Director: Michal Leszczylowski
- Une Journée d'Andrei Arsenevitch (One Day in the Life of Andrey Arsenevich) 2000 | Director: Chris Marker